Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Drawing Update


2/1/13- Oh,Comics! #21- "Magic"- 2 to 4 page Vugz Strip. Script is complete along with a few page layouts.

2/15/13- New linoleum cut project.  I'll be at the 2013 COLUMBUS FEBRUARY AVANT-GARDE ART & CRAFT SHOW on 2/16/13. To get in I promised I would just be selling hand-made comics and tee-shirts.  I'm going to do a new printing of "Why I'm Not Musical" which will be 10 years old this year.  I'll also have copies of "Obstacle" but I wanted something new.  I'll work something over the holidays.
2/15/13- SPACE Anthology 2013- 2 to 4 page Vugz Strip.

3/30/13- Untitled #9- 1 to 4 page Entropy Alley Strip.

3/31/13- Bunny Blues / Leaves #6- Got it completely scripted and 18 pages done and need to finish about 10 more. I got page 18 done last weekend.
11/17/12- Lump of Coal #6- 4 page Randolf the Run-Down Reindeer strip. Done!
Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thanksgiving Drawing Update

11/17/12- Lump of Coal #6- 4 page Randolf the Run-Down Reindeer strip. Done! One of the pages sans word balloons above.
2/1/13- Oh,Comics! #21- "Magic"- 2 to 4 page Vugz Strip. Got a plot. I'll be working on the script this long weekend.
2/15/13- SPACE Anthology 2013- 2 to 4 page Vugz Strip.
3/30/13- Untitled #9- 1 to 4 page Entropy Alley Strip.
3/31/13- Bunny Blues / Leaves #6- Got it completely scripted and 17 pages done and need to finish about 10 more.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Drawing Update

11/17/12- Lump of Coal #6- 4 page Randolf the Run-Down Reindeer strip. Got a script and 4 pages penciled. One of the penciled pages above.

2/1/13- Oh,Comics! #21- "Magic"- 2 to 4 page Vugz Strip. Got a plot.

2/15/13- SPACE Anthology 2013- 2 to 4 page Vugz Strip.

3/30/13- Untitled #9- 1 to 4 page Entropy Alley Strip.

3/31/13- Bunny Blues / Leaves #6- Got it completely scripted and 17 pages done and need to finish about 10 more.


Saturday, October 20, 2012

Drawing Schedule for this Year

Things have been pretty busy around here. I finally finished the secret project at the end of September.  In the last month I was at the Cincinnati Comic Expo, MIX: CCAD Celebration of Comics, The Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum and the Bowl full of Happiness Exhibit at the Wild Goose Collective. Got the Art Explorer Post 407 started on this years Lump of Coal.  Also got all the SPACE Prize books up on the site and caught up on the SPACE book keeping and opened the registrations up to new exhibitors.
So I haven't up dated this blog for a while.  The drawing you see here are some of the con sketches I promised over a month ago.  These two are from SMACC back in 2010.  We were given some art supplies from Blicks which consited of a small sketch book and a red pastel so I thought I should do something with them.
Now that things have settled down alittle at least until Thanksgiving (hopefully will be at Genghis Con) I'm going to get started on new (and old) projects. Below is list of those projects:
11/17/12- Lump of Coal #6- 2 to 4 page Randolf the Run-Down Reindeer strip. Got a plot and hopefully a script this weekend.
2/1/13- Oh,Comics! #21- "Magic"- 2 to 4 page Vugz Strip. Got a plot.
2/15/13-  SPACE Anthology 2013- 2 to 4 page Vugz Strip.
3/30/13- Untitled #9- 1 to 4 page Entropy Alley Strip.
3/31/13- Bunny Blues / Leaves #6- Got it completely scripted and 17 pages done and need to finish about 10 more.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I have nothing new to show anybody since I'm wrapping up the secret project and can't show any of that so here's the first of some con sketches I've done over the last few years.  If you know me you know I don't draw other people's characters but a few years ago I was doing an Arena Con at the Arena Grand Theater while Star Wars Clone Wars was running and drew a few of these and handed them out to the kids going to the movie.  There's also a Ahsoka that is pretty terrible so you probably won't ever see that. Thanks to Victor Dandridge for organizing the the Arena Cons.  I also did one during one of the Batman movies and have a Batman sketch that is really bad.


Thursday, August 30, 2012

Bunny Blues / Leaves Review

My Bunny Blues / Leaves series was just reviewed by Steve Myers at
It's nice summary of the series which I hope to complete with issue #6 in time for SPACE 2013.  All the 5 issue are still available in my catalouge at http://backporchcomics.com/Catalogue_.htm
While your at Steve's site check out his F.E.D.S Comics.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Vugz Drawing

Busy working on the secret project.  In the meantime here's one of the SPACE Anthology second printing campaign drawings.


Monday, July 9, 2012

Good News / Bad News

As the title says I got good news and bad news.
Good news is I finally got back to working on Bunny Blues / Leaves #6 and completed pages 16 & 17. The bad news is I have a secret project that will keep me tied up all summer and I will never be able to share it here.


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Back Porch Comics Convention Appearances

Back Porch Comics Convention Apprearances (so far)  for 2012

Tri-State Comic Con Huntington WV June 9, 2012

Cincinnati Comic Expo September 22 & 23, 2012
PIX (Pittsburgh Indy Comics Expo) October 2012
Genghis Con Cleveland OH November 24, 2012
SPACE The Small Press and Alternative Comics Expo Columbus OH April 13 & 14, 2013




Thursday, April 5, 2012

Calling It a Victory!

Okay this is the last update about all the projects that needed to get done by SPACE.  What's done is done and what's not is not.  I'm calling it a victory.

11/19/11 – Lump of Coal #5- Art Due 4 page Randolf the Run-down Reindeer strip ( DONE!)

1/15/12- Oh,Comics! #20 “Air” Art Due 4 page B-Valve strip. (DONE!) I had to change directions on the media. I originally intended this to be painted but after starting the first two pages things were not working out the way I expected. Plus with all the layering I needed to do it was never going to get done. I was finished on 2/11/12 almost a month after the deadline I set. Fortunately I still have pleanty of time to get the book together for SPACE. Oh,Comics! #20 looks pretty good. Got a lot of great strips from all the contributor. Above is my finished page 2. For a peek at the cover and a list of contributors go to http://backporchcomics.com/premierecomicsp2.htm  Got these back from the printer last week!!!

1/15/12 A Bowl Full of Happiness (The Sea Monkey anthology for the Hero Intiative) 1 page strip. (DONE!)

2/15/12 Magic Bullet #4- One page strip. This is kind of tentative but I've been thinking of doing something with George, Abe, Tom and Teddy. (Decided not to try and hit this one).
2/25/12- SPACE Anthology 2012 – 2 page Vugz strip. (DONE!) I got the books back from the printer this week and they look great. Check over at http://www.backporchcomics.com/space.htm

3/31/12- Untitled #8 Art Due 1-4 page Entropy Alley strip (This didn't happen this year. My fault I've missed alot of time with the Art Explorer Post this year.)

3/31/12 -Bunny Blues/ Leaves #6 28-30+ page finale (15 pages completed.) I had to call this one.  It looked like another 10 or 11 pages to go and there just wasn't time to finish it.

Alternate project-  Vugz Fragments-Since I didn't get BB/L #6 done I wasn't going to have a new minicomic for SPACE this year so I decided to collect all the Vugz strips I did in Oh,Comics! and the SPACE Anthology the last few years.  The Oh,Comics! strips have never been published in color and the SPACE Anthology strips have never been printed so I collected them all and printed them in color.  The strip for this years SPACE Anthology was colored with markers instead of the paint I intended so  I could hit the schedule.  I had extra time to work on it after SA12 was on the way to the printeres so I have included  a re-mix of that strip in Fragments. I was also able to sort the strips in the correct sequence so the over all story is starting to make a little more sense.  There is still a lot of fill in story which will be produced in one way or another after BB/L #6 is done.  Fragments is in production at the printer and should be back in time for SPACE.

Hope to see everybody at SPACE in a few weeks!


Monday, February 20, 2012

Drawing Update!

It's been a month and a half since I reported any progress here.  Until this weekend I thought I was sunk but with a few changes in direction I think I'm back on track to get most of my planned comics done on time for SPACE.

11/19/11 – Lump of Coal #5- Art Due 4 page Randolf the Run-down Reindeer strip ( DONE!)
1/15/12- Oh,Comics! #20 “Air” Art Due 4 page B-Valve strip. (DONE!)  I had to change directions on the media.  I originally intended this to be painted but after starting the first two pages things were not working out the way I expected.  Plus with all the layering I needed to do it was never going to get done. I was finished on 2/11/12 almost a month after the deadline I set. Fortunately I still have pleanty of time to get the book together for SPACE. Oh,Comics! #20  looks pretty good.  Got a lot of great strips from all the contributor. Above is my finished page 2.  For a peek at the cover and a list of contributors go to http://backporchcomics.com/premierecomicsp2.htm
1/15/12  A Bowl Full of Happiness (The Sea Monkey anthology for the Hero Intiative) 1 page strip.  (DONE!)
2/15/12 (New Project) Magic Bullet #4- One page strip. This is kind of tentative but I've been thinking of doing something with George, Abe, Tom and Teddy. (Decided not to try and hit this one.)

2/25/12- SPACE Anthology 2012 – 2 page Vugz strip. (Two pages penciled and inked and 1 page colored. Should wrap it this week in time for the dead line.)

3/31/12- Untitled #8 Art Due 1-4 page Entropy Alley strip (Nothing yet. I'm not sure this will happen now.  I haven't seen any work from the Explorer Post students.  My fault I've missed alot of time with them this year)

3/31/12 -Bunny Blues/ Leaves #6 28-30+ page finale (12 pages completed, the 13th page pencilled so far and I think I have the idea for the cover. I need to finsh blocking out the story so I can figure out if I'm going to make it or not. I also decided to do a little rewrite of the last scene.)
