Sunday, December 22, 2013

Back Porch Comics 2013 and Beyond!

2013 is coming close to an end.  It's been the busiest year ever for Back Porch Comics.
Started off the year working on the 2013 edition of SPACE. We hit:

Columbus Avant-Garde Art & Craft Show  Feburary 16 Upper Arlington OH MSU Comics Forum! March 2 Lansing MI
Indie Comics Fair March 9 at the Ace of Cups
Gem City Con on March 23&24 in Dayton.
Of Course on April 13 and 14 we celebrated the 14th annual SPACE!
DerbyCity Con June 29. Louisville KY.
SPX Bethesda MD September 14 &15, 2013
Independents Day Columbus OH September 21
Avant-Garde Art & Craft Show Akron October 19
MIX 2013 CCAD's Celebration of Comics Columbus OH September 27 & 28, 2013
Nix Comics Arcane Media Fair November 9
Genghis Con Cleveland December 1

For 2014 I already expect to be at the following shows leading up to SPACE 2014:
I.C.E. (Independent Creators Expo) Dayton OH February 1, 2014
MSU Comics Forum East Lansing MI February 22  2014
Ace of Cups Indie Comics Fair Columbus OH March  2014
Gem City Comic Con Dayton OH April 5 & 6, 2014
SPACE The Small Press and Alternative Comics Expo  Columbus OH  April 12 & 13, 2014

As far as comics I finally finished Bunny Blues / Leaves #6 in September.  I'm hoping to collect all 6 issues plus some of the Oh,Comics! shorts into a TPB in time for SPACE.  I had to re-scan and re-letter the first two issues because the resolution was too low.

Oh, Comics ! #22 "Time" is in the works.  I've completed the art for my 4 page Bunny Blues story, "Chronos Musca Domestica".
Also did a new linocut cover for a collection of  science fiction stories of mine involving robots called "Charge".
I 'm not sure what my next long term project will be but I'm thinking about starting the long form Vugz project.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Interview at SPX

I was interviewed by Joseph from Keep of Truckin', Nattosoup at SPX.


Monday, September 16, 2013

Bunny Blues / Leaves in Panel Patter SPX Spotlight

Nice review of Bunny Blues / Leaves at Panel Patter
Hope to have BB/L #6 ordering info up this week.


Monday, August 26, 2013

Bunny Blues / Leaves #6 Art

Here's a short video of the painting process for the cover.
..and here's the final composited image.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Last Page of Bunny Blues / Leaves Done!!!!

I just finished the art for the final page of the Bunny Blues / Leaves mini-series.  It's page 24 of issue 6 and page 123 of the series.  I'm ashamed to say I started it about 1999.  The first page which was completed sometime in 1999 is shown above. ( I haven't unearthed the original page yet, which has the exact completetion date jotted on the back).  BB/L premiered at the old Mid-Ohio Con in 1999.  The final issue will premiere at SPX this September 14 & 15 and make it's Columbus premiere the following week at Independents Day.  All 6 issues will be available at both shows as well as at SPACE on April, 12 & 13, 2014.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Bunny Blues / Leaves Pages 121 & 122

I just completed pages 22 & 23 of Bunny Blues / Leaves #6. The last chapter of the 123 page story (page 121 & 122). Here's a stop motion video showing about an hours worth of stipple work from page 23 in about 16 seconds. Didn't quite work out like I wanted it. I should have used a tripod. anyway here it is. On to page 123!!!!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Drawing Schedule Final and Onward

Now that SPACE is done for this year and most of the dust has settled I'm back to finishing the big project.  Yeah, I didn't finish Bunny Blues / Leaves in time for SPACE.  I had 5 pages to go when I put it down to finish up everything that needed to be done for SPACE plus Oh,Comics! 21, Untitled 9 and the SPACE Anthology 2013. But now I'm back at it and managed to finish page 20 of BB/L #6 this long weekend.  Above is a panel from that page.  I also managed to do a pencil layout for a linocut SPACE poster I'm planning on doing this summer. More on that soon.  I hope to have the poster done in time for Derby City Con in Louisville KY on June 29 and BB/L #6 done in time for SPX in September. 


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Minicomics Day Minicomic

Here's the minicomic I did the day before Minicomics Day at Gem City Con.  I didn't realize they moved it to Sunday this year until I was done and tried to report it's completion.  Here it is:

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Revised Drawing Schedule!!!

Lots of changes this time around.
2/1/13- Oh,Comics! #21- "Magic"- The strip I originally intended for Oh,Comics! will now be switched to the SPACE Anthology 2013.  I've worked up a 3 page Bunny Blues strip featuring Marcel.  It's all done!

2/15/13- SPACE Anthology 2013- 4 page Vugz Strip is complete!

3/30/13- Untitled #9- 1 to 4 page Entropy Alley Strip.

3/31/13- Bunny Blues / Leaves #6- Got page 19 done. I finally sat down to finish layouts and it looks like only a few more pages so I think this project will be done in time for SPACE!

11/17/12- Lump of Coal #6- 4 page Randolf the Run-Down Reindeer strip. Done!


Monday, January 21, 2013

Drawing Update

Not much change on most of the projects but I got three pages penciled and inked, one page painted and got a start on the painting of two others for the Vugz strip in Oh,Comics! #21 "Magic".  Above is the first page composited.


Monday, January 14, 2013

Zig-Zag Drawing Update

2/1/13- Oh,Comics! #21- "Magic"- 4 page Vugz Strip. Script is complete, two pages are penciled and inked and one page is painted. (Painting without lines above).

2/15/13- Here's the zig the new linoleum cut project for the 2013 COLUMBUS FEBRUARY AVANT-GARDE ART & CRAFT SHOW on 2/16/13 is now on the back burner.  I got it all figured out over the holidays but it got too big to get done in time.  It was looking like about 16 plates.  I'll still have the 10th aniversery printing of "Why I'm Not Musical"

2/15/13- SPACE Anthology 2013- 2 to 4 page Vugz Strip.

3/30/13- Untitled #9- 1 to 4 page Entropy Alley Strip.

3/31/13- Bunny Blues / Leaves #6- Got it completely scripted and 18 pages done and need to finish about 10 more. I got page 18 done last weekend.

11/17/12- Lump of Coal #6- 4 page Randolf the Run-Down Reindeer strip. Done!