Thursday, December 29, 2011

Project Update

Here's another quick review of progress on my projects.

11/19/11 – Lump of Coal #5- Art Due 4 page Randolf the Run-down Reindeer strip ( DONE!)

1/15/12 (new deadline)- Oh,Comics! #20 “Air” Art Due 4 page B-Valve strip. 2 pages penciled and 1 inked.  The finals will all be painted.  Even though Oh,Comics! will be in b&w I'm producing this strip in color for future inclusion on the web site. Pencils of page 2 above. 
1/15/12 (New Project) A Bowl Full of Happiness (The Sea Monkey anthology for the Hero Intiative) 1 page strip.  Plotted but no drawing yet.
2/15/12 (New Project) Magic Bullet #4- One page strip. This is kind of tentative but I've been thinking of doing something with George, Abe, Tom and Teddy.
2/25/12- SPACE Anthology 2012 –Art Due 1-4 page Vugz strip (Nothing yet)

3/31/12- Untitled #8 Art Due 1-4 page Entropy Alley strip (Nothing yet)

3/31/12 -Bunny Blues/ Leaves #6 28-30+ page finale (12 pages completed so far and I think I have the idea for the cover.) 

Monday, November 21, 2011

Drawing Progress Update

Here's another quick review of progress on my projects.

11/19/11 – Lump of Coal #5- Art Due 4 page Randolf the Run-down Reindeer strip ( DONE!)
1/15/12 (new deadline)- Oh,Comics! #20 “Air” Art Due 1-4 page B-Valve strip (moved the deadline and starting work on the new strip B-Valve.  More on that later.)

2/25/12- SPACE Anthology 2012 –Art Due 1-4 page Vugz strip (Nothing yet)

3/31/12- Untitled #8 Art Due 1-4 page Entropy Alley strip (Nothing yet)

3/31/12 -Bunny Blues/ Leaves #6 28-30+ page finale (11 pages completed so far and I think I have the idea for the cover.)  (Pages 10 & 11 of the original art are on display at the Kafe Kerouac until about 12/9/11.)


Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Here's a quick review of progress on my projects.

11/4/11- Oh,Comics! #20 “Air” Art Due 1-4 page Bunny Blues strip (I'm moving the deadline for Oh,Comics! to about mid-January and probably changing the subject of my strip.  I came up with a new idea I'd like to explore.  More on that later.)

11/19/11 – Lump of Coal #5- Art Due 1-4 page Randolf the Run-down Reindeer strip  ( I need to get this moving.)

2/25/12- SPACE Anthology 2012 –Art Due 1-4 page Vugz strip (Nothing yet)

3/31/12- Untitled #8 Art Due 1-4 page Entropy Alley strip (Nothing yet)

3/31/12 -Bunny Blues/ Leaves #6 28-30+ page finale (11 pages completed so far and I think I have the idea for the cover.)


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

New Eyes!

Here's the first completed page of Bunny Blues / Leaves #6 since my catarack surgery.  Everything went great.  Art really hasn't improved.  Maybe when I get my new bifocals in a month.


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Drawing Schedule

As you can see in the article below I didn't get alot done for SPACE 2011 so I got started early and set up a drawing schedule.  I was at  a more than a page a week clip when I got slowed down for catarack surgery.  Both eyes are done know and doing great.  Below are my projects for the year and my schedule all leading up to SPACE 2012.

11/4/11- Oh,Comics! #20 “Air” Art Due 1-4 page Bunny Blues strip

11/19/11 – Lump of Coal #5- Art Due 1-4 page Randolf the Run-down Reindeer strip

2/25/12- SPACE Anthology 2012 –Art Due 1-4 page Vugz strip

3/31/12- Untitled #8 Art Due 1-4 page Entropy Alley strip

3/31/12 -Bunny Blues/ Leaves #6 28-30+ page finale (5 pages completed so far.)


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Vugz for the SPACE Anthology 2011

Okay, I promised myself I would finish the Bunny Blues /Leaves series in time for SPACE this year but it ain't happening. The only thing that might get done is a new Vugz story for the SPACE Anthology. Here's a preview of the first panel. The story popped into my head on the long drive from Columbus to my hometown in PA before the holidays. It introduces an important aspect of the upcoming Vugz series. This story occurs before Vugz and Tim meet.
We're hoping to be ready with the SPACE Anthology about a month before the show. There should be some good stuff. I've gotten a lot of e-mails about the project from the exhibitors.
