Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Oh,Comics! #18 @ ComicsXP

Oh,Comics! #18 "Earth" is now available as a digital download at ComicsXP. 76 pages for only 99 cents.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

342 Mini Comic

Here's a quick look at the cover of 342 my 24 hour comic. It will premiere at Genghis-Con next Saturday in Cleveland and will be available on sale here next week.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Results of the Halloween 24 Hours Comics in Columbus

I made it! After a failed attempt back in 2004 I managed to product a 24 hour comic entitled "342" over last weekend. About eight of us started out at noon on Saturday at the Crimson Cup coffee shop in Clintonville. The group included Sunday Comix regulars, Ray Tomczak, Jon Riddle, Mike Carroll, Kira Keck and Sue Olcott, and one of my Explorer Post students, Ryan Buoni.
By 9:30 PM I was about a half hour off pace and was starting to panic knowing how my previous attempt proved I would be moving slower as time went on. Then a stork of genius and the well timed 17 minute snow storm page got me back on track. I didn't hit the wall I expected and managed to pick up time with each page and the "story" started to flow. Then by about 2 AM only the hard core 24 hour cartoonists were left Ray, Jon and me. Mike Carroll who had accomplished a 24 hour book in the past left after finishing all the pencils and was going to finish the inking at home. I found out later that he didn't finish. Ray finished at 6:35 AM. I wrapped up page 24 at 7:24 AM. I took off then to get some sleep. I found out later that Jon finished up at about 9:00 AM.
All three finished strips have characters named Derrick and employ the use of the sound effect "Hork" but other than that have nothing in common.
While my strip isn't as pretty as either Ray's or Jon's it's complete and actually is coherent and comes to a end. Well as coherent as a quest story involving different dimensions, bad poetry and packing peanuts can. (Ray's and Jon's comics are complete and coherent too.)
I'd like to thank the Crimson Cup for letting us hang out there all night and the free coffee, Canada (Kira's mom) for the goodies and the bentos she provide and to Max Ink for setting the whole thing up. Also thanks to the old and new friends who dropped by to cheer us on.
Although we had a ball the common consensus is that we're not going to do it again soon .
My strip will probably be issued as a mini-comic since I have a coupon for copies which runs out this month.
There was a video shot. I'll let everybody know when it surfaces.

Monday, October 19, 2009

John Porcellino Columbus Stop

John Porcellino the author of the autobio mini comic "King-Cat" was here on October 12 in support of his new collection "Map of My Heart". I was going to write a little something about it but J. Caleb Mozzocco did a much better job of it than I ever could at


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

MOC Indy/Small Press Panel Video

The Indy/ Small Press Panel video from UVN is now up on youtube in 7 parts. Here's the link to the first.http://www.youtube.com/xax66#p/u/6/IsitwdBY8Tg

Monday, October 12, 2009

Dali / Disney at The Dayton Art Institue

Kathy and I managed to run over to the Dayton Art Institute last weekend to check out the "Destino" exhibit. In case you're not aware of this, "Destino" was a project started by Walt Disney with Salvador Dali way back in the mid-40's but eventually shelved. Roy Disney discovered the project in the 90's and finished it. It was never officially released. It was nominated for an Academy Award as an animated short in 2003. I think I own the Academy Award Shorts DVD from that year but don't remember it. I'll need to dig it out and check. Anyway the entire thing (about 7 minutes) is up on youtube at
The exhibit consisted of the video running in a constant loop on a screen and about 12 screen prints of Dali's drawings which are part of the original story board. I would love to see Dali's story boards put together the way Miyazaki's were on the "Castle in the Sky" DVD. You can check out more info at
The museum also has some nice pieces on display as part of their permanent collection.

Next time: John Porcellino's "Map of MY Heart"

Thursday, October 8, 2009


I never did understand this phenomena of blogging but even though I haven't entered anything in my old blog in 3 and half years I still get tons of hits there. So why not? Frankly my life isn't that interesting. You can view the old blog at http://backporchcomics.com/old_blog.htm. There are some interesting things still there like "Ye Books of Cerebus" and the "Snap!" art festival from a few years back. So go ahead and check it out I'll wait.

I run SPACE (Small Press & Alternative Comics Expo). You can view the SPACE blog entitled "Spaceguy 13" at http://www.backporchcomics.com/space.htm
Spaceguy 13 is primarily about SPACE. This blog will be about Back Porch Comics which is my small press comics imprint and any thing else I think may be the least bit interesting most of which will have to do with comics.

The latest Back Porch Comics news is the successful appearence at last weekends Mid-Ohio Con. Oh,Comics! #18 made it's debut there and sold pretty well. You can get a preview of it and ordering info at the BPC website if you're not already there. http://backporchcomics.com/back_porch_comics.htm

Also I participated on the Indie and Small Press Panel which was videoed by the Underground Video Network http://www.undergroundvideonetwork.com/
The audio portion of which is now up as a ComicRelated Podcast at http://comicrelated.com/news/3448/the-related-recap-155
From what I hear it may wind up on Cable Access here in Columbus. Luckily everybody else on the panel was younger and prettier than me.

In other news some of my work is up at the Crimson Cup in Clintonville with the "Comix from the Crypt" exhibit along with work by my Sunday Comix friends. More info at http://www.columbusarts.com/details.php?id=66682&type=e
The exhibit will end with the Halloween 24 hour Comics Marathon. You can find out more about that at http://2009columbus24hourcomics.blogspot.com/

More later.