Monday, May 27, 2013

Drawing Schedule Final and Onward

Now that SPACE is done for this year and most of the dust has settled I'm back to finishing the big project.  Yeah, I didn't finish Bunny Blues / Leaves in time for SPACE.  I had 5 pages to go when I put it down to finish up everything that needed to be done for SPACE plus Oh,Comics! 21, Untitled 9 and the SPACE Anthology 2013. But now I'm back at it and managed to finish page 20 of BB/L #6 this long weekend.  Above is a panel from that page.  I also managed to do a pencil layout for a linocut SPACE poster I'm planning on doing this summer. More on that soon.  I hope to have the poster done in time for Derby City Con in Louisville KY on June 29 and BB/L #6 done in time for SPX in September. 
