Monday, February 20, 2012

Drawing Update!

It's been a month and a half since I reported any progress here.  Until this weekend I thought I was sunk but with a few changes in direction I think I'm back on track to get most of my planned comics done on time for SPACE.

11/19/11 – Lump of Coal #5- Art Due 4 page Randolf the Run-down Reindeer strip ( DONE!)
1/15/12- Oh,Comics! #20 “Air” Art Due 4 page B-Valve strip. (DONE!)  I had to change directions on the media.  I originally intended this to be painted but after starting the first two pages things were not working out the way I expected.  Plus with all the layering I needed to do it was never going to get done. I was finished on 2/11/12 almost a month after the deadline I set. Fortunately I still have pleanty of time to get the book together for SPACE. Oh,Comics! #20  looks pretty good.  Got a lot of great strips from all the contributor. Above is my finished page 2.  For a peek at the cover and a list of contributors go to
1/15/12  A Bowl Full of Happiness (The Sea Monkey anthology for the Hero Intiative) 1 page strip.  (DONE!)
2/15/12 (New Project) Magic Bullet #4- One page strip. This is kind of tentative but I've been thinking of doing something with George, Abe, Tom and Teddy. (Decided not to try and hit this one.)

2/25/12- SPACE Anthology 2012 – 2 page Vugz strip. (Two pages penciled and inked and 1 page colored. Should wrap it this week in time for the dead line.)

3/31/12- Untitled #8 Art Due 1-4 page Entropy Alley strip (Nothing yet. I'm not sure this will happen now.  I haven't seen any work from the Explorer Post students.  My fault I've missed alot of time with them this year)

3/31/12 -Bunny Blues/ Leaves #6 28-30+ page finale (12 pages completed, the 13th page pencilled so far and I think I have the idea for the cover. I need to finsh blocking out the story so I can figure out if I'm going to make it or not. I also decided to do a little rewrite of the last scene.)
