Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Here's a quick review of progress on my projects.

11/4/11- Oh,Comics! #20 “Air” Art Due 1-4 page Bunny Blues strip (I'm moving the deadline for Oh,Comics! to about mid-January and probably changing the subject of my strip.  I came up with a new idea I'd like to explore.  More on that later.)

11/19/11 – Lump of Coal #5- Art Due 1-4 page Randolf the Run-down Reindeer strip  ( I need to get this moving.)

2/25/12- SPACE Anthology 2012 –Art Due 1-4 page Vugz strip (Nothing yet)

3/31/12- Untitled #8 Art Due 1-4 page Entropy Alley strip (Nothing yet)

3/31/12 -Bunny Blues/ Leaves #6 28-30+ page finale (11 pages completed so far and I think I have the idea for the cover.)
